BOOK Philosophy

Great Lakes Series
Our minds are a gift from God...

Everyone has a creative spirit. That spirit may come in different forms, but every one of us has a mind that can work wonders.

God created the heaven and the earth, and God created man in His own image; therefore, the creative Spirit of God resides in us all! (Genesis 1:1, 26-27, 2:7). God is a builder and so is His creation. A casual look at all the products and inventions that surround us testifies to that.

Culturally, we tend to define creative people only in terms of artists and musicians, but the fact is, creativity is not limited to these two disciplines. The greatest ideas, inventions, and innovations of this world have come from people gifted in all sorts of areas. People who excel at mathematics, observation, and language, just to name a few, have blessed the world with their creative endeavors. let us mind what we fill them with.

Young people today are under a constant barrage of stimulus. More than any other generation in the past, they are caught in a whirlwind of other people's creative accomplishments (some of them good, some not so good) and all of them are competing for your child's attention. But how many of those things, be they video games or music videos, encourage our children to exercise the creative spirit that dwells within them? Or, taking the question a step further, encourages a positive creative spirit, one that is uplifting to those around them?

"Too much of any one thing is not good."

While consumerism drives our society and keeps us moving, if young people allow their minds to absorb everything that is thrown at them, their God-given creative spirit will wither. Inversely, those who are so creative that they fail to engage the culture in any meaningful way become marginalized and fail to share their gifts with others. What is needed is a balance between consumerism and creativity.


The Great Lakes Series provides a welcome answer. By combining a fully illustrated, inspirational story with engaging activities, the gap between creativity and consumerism is bridged. Written by educator/artists Wendy Streit and Caleb Bland, each book in the series finds a unique way to entertain and inspire young people to creative accomplishments. In this way, the God-Given spirit of creativity is exercised and uplifted.

Setting a higher standard.

The Great Lakes Series also relies on the time honored truths of the Bible. Yes, creativity is an important and vital attribute to a healthy spirit, but let's face it, "creative" accountants usually end up in jail! By relying on the Word of God as a moral guide within the Series, the writers challenge the readers to take their creative spirits and put them to use in positive endeavors.

What are the 8 Learning Styles?

The eight learning styles, as first presented by Howard Gardner in his book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (1983), are represented by the following categories: Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalist. Studies have shown that all people excel in one (or more) of these eight learning styles. Within a person's respective learning style, an individual thrives because that is their native creative language. The learning styles have also been defined as "gifts" and "intelligences." Thomas Armstrong, Tobias, Roger Taylor, and many others have followed and expanded Gardner's work. The likes and strengths of these intelligences, as defined by Roger Taylor, can be found below. Each definition is followed by a description of the type of person who falls into each style as defined by Thomas Armstrong in his book Awakening Genius In The Classroom (1998).


Linguistic "The Word Player"
Likes to read, write and tell stories. Is good at memorizing names, dates, places, and trivia. Learns best by saying, hearing, and seeing words.

The bookworm, the poet, the storyteller, the orator, the humorist, the test taker, the trivia expert, the super-speller, the playwright, the raconteur.

Logical-Mathmatical "The Questioner"
Likes to do experiments and figure things out; works with numbers, asks questions, explores patterns and relationships. Is good at math, reasoning, logic, and problem solving. Learns best by categorizing, classifying, and working with abstract patterns and relationships.

The computer programmer, the super-calculator, the math whiz, the scientist, the logician, the rationalist, the chess player.

Spatial "The Visualizer"
Likes to draw, build, design, and create things, daydream, look at pictures, movies and play with machines. Is good at imagining and sensing things, puzzles and mazes, reading maps and charts. Learns best by visualizing, dreaming, using the minds eye, and working with color/pictures.

Bodily-Kinesthetic "The Mover"
Likes to move around, touch, talk, and use body language. Is good at physical activities (sports/dance/acting), and crafts. Learns bests by touching, moving, interacting with space, processing knowledge through bodily sensations.

The athlete, the dancer, the actor, the craftsperson, the mime, the sculptor, the human pretzel, the sports person, the hands-on learner.

Musical "The Music Lover"
Likes to sing, hum tunes, listen to music, play an instrument, and respond to music. Is good at picking up sounds and remembering melodies, keeping time, and noticing pitches and rhythms. Learns best through rhythm, melody, and music.

The singer, the songwriter, the guitarist (or player of any instrument), the rapper, the rhythm ace, the musical library (of songs), the acute listener.

Interpersonal "The Socializer"
Likes to have a lot of friends, talk to people, and join groups. Is good at understanding people, leading others, organizing, communicating, manipulating, and mediating conflicts. Learns best by sharing, comparing, relating, cooperating, and interviewing.

The natural leader, the class mediator, the negotiator, the manipulator, the social director, the human barometer (of affective feelings in another person), the sympathetic friend, the highly moral or political student.

Intrapersonal "The Individual"
Likes to work alone and pursue own interests. Is good at understanding self, focusing inward on feelings/dreams following instincts, pursuing interests/goals, being original. Learns best by working alone, individualized projects, self-paced instruction, and having own space.

The entrepreneur, the freelancer, the different drummer, the independent spirit, the visionary, the goal setter, the reflective thinker, the futurist.

Naturalist "The Outdoorsperson"
Likes to physically experience nature, do observations, responds to patterning nature. Is good at exploring natural phenomenon, seeing connections and patterns, and reflective thinking. Learns best by doing observations, recording events in nature, working in pairs, and doing long term projects.

The lizard expert (or expert on any specific fauna or flora), the nature enthusiast, the pet lover, the collector, the hunter, the scout.